Monday, February 22, 2010


Monday, February 22, 2010
This evening, a sentence really makes me thinking about myself. Every second after that, I felt really sad and hopeless. Donno how to describe it here. I know feeling sad every once in a while is natural. But when it about others, especially the one I really love, it's really triggered my emotion. To be honest. sometime I felt it is true. And I cant seem to blame anybody. Yeah, maybe myself. Pls forgive me for everything.
'kalau nk harapkan ko, kirim salam je la'

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Study Objectives

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why should I continue my study?

A Master's degree can take my career to a whole new level. Things that I really look into is in supplementing my legal knowledge with new competencies I need in my job and upgrading my qualifications. It should be done at the university level while tagging along with my daily work in my current career. I choose my study to be a part time course because I believe job and study can work in parallel.

**sound sincere, right?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Good for me

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
day after day, i started to feel sumthing wrong with my body. oh yes, im gaining weight. its actually not a typical phenomenon in my life since my body has been 'just fine' till 2009. I even had weight gain as a supplement bought from pharmacy when I was in secondary school but still, nothing happened. Hmm, maybe the weight gain has just kicking in few years after that, i mean now.

But now, it becoming a major problem in my life. Haih. My body keeps getting bigger n bigger (just my assumption). So, I have to start my new routine. JOGGING. Everyone knows how incredibly good for our body jogging is, unfortunately though, because of the high stamina it requires, it can be a hard routine to stick to. Yes, its true, believe me.. Really hard to stick to..

Usually on a weekday after work. When the sky is clear and cloudy. I'll go for a jog. I try to make it a routine to jog at least twice a week. 30mins jogging non-stop each session. About the distance of 3km each session. Regularly, each week cummulative distance is around 6km. If work schedule (and weather) permits, I try to make it 3 sessions weekly. That is 9km. Or gradually increase each session to 40/60mins.

Unfortunately, after few weeks, i dont see any positive changes on my body. ha3. I know jogging alone will not reduce my body weight without proper diet and healthy lifestyle. But who cares. At least I made a move. I believed good intention will pay..